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Blog by Pearl Technology


Date 29. August 2024
MR Safety has become a unifying concern for radiographers worldwide. This shared focus recently brought together over 350 radiology professionals in an international webinar dedicated to enhancing ...
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Why Radiographers deserve better Positioning Aids

Date 20. May 2024
Radiographers play a pivotal role in patient care by ensuring that diagnostic images are clear, accurate, and of high diagnostic value. To achieve this, the positioning of a patient during a ...
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A look behind Pearl Technology – the entrepreneurial story

Date 09. April 2024
Pearl Technology AG is known for its versatile, perfected positioning aids. In the long-lived environment of radiology, the company has transformed from a small start-up into an established company. ...
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A LOOK BEHIND THE MACHINES - How does one make a PET scanner?

Date 15. December 2023
In medical imaging, we usually take our devices for granted - unless they don't work. We know that the technology behind them is highly developed. But how are they built? Who are the people whose ...
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