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MR Safety has become a unifying concern for radiographers worldwide. This shared focus recently brought together over 350 radiology professionals in an international webinar dedicated to enhancing patient safety in MRI environments. The event offered insights on patient safety response frameworks at InHealth, the physics behind proximity burns and conduction loops, and best practices for safely positioning patients.

The interest in the webinar highlighted the growing importance of MR Safety Week, the brainchild of American expert Tobias Gilk. The initiative was launched in memory of a tragic accident in 2001, where six-year-old Michael Colombini lost his life due to a projectile incident of an oxygen tank.

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Figure 1: A quiz in the end tested participant's knowledge of the topics presented

Senior MRI experts from British provider InHealth took centre stage during the event. Dr Darren Hudson, MRI Clinical Lead at InHealth, shared valuable insights from their experience of MRI safety incidents and the implementation of the NHS Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. Among else, he highlights the need to compassionately engage with staff involved in an MRI incident – alongside the patient and their family;

“I think it's equally important that when an incident does go wrong, we need to look after the staff who are involved, check on their own well-being, make sure they're OK with the process, and understand what's happening.”  

A well-presented lesson in magnetic physics proved to be eye-opening for MRI professionals, who learned from senior MRI physicist Dr Harriet Rogers in her presentation. With an MSc in Quantitative Neuroimaging and a PhD in Biophysics and Imaging, Dr Rogers has a rich background in MRI research and clinical applications. 

Attendees also gained a unique perspective from the expert behind the popular social media page "MRI Technologist," known for his educational content on Instagram and Facebook. Christos Tsiotsios, an MRI clinical specialist from Cyprus and an educator at the European University of Cyprus in Nicosia, discussed his experiences with patient preparation and positioning. 

Representing Pearl Technology, an innovator in the field of patient positioners, Larissa Meister presented her insights coming from a rich experience with clients worldwide. A specifically interesting innovation presented during the webinar was the so called “ProFoam Plate for MRI” a pad developed in collaboration with Dr Darren Hudson from InHealth. Thanks to the specific design, it helps reduce the risk of patient burns in a simple, standardized and effective way. Where conduction loops (and their resulting thermal burns) are reliably kept from appearing, the examination can be pursued with additional peace of mind. The innovation takes its place as a key relief in the multifaceted fight against the often preventable risks of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

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Figure 2: New opportunities in tools and best practices for MR safety

While no future webinars have been announced yet, organisers Pearl Technology and InHealth Group are grateful for the amazing turnout and confident to organise further such educational events.

The presentations from the event are available at