Conventional X-Ray


Increasing patient throughput, physical strain, complex techniques, and lengthy workflows challenge radiographers. Moreover, many patients are particularly difficult to examine due to obesity, age, or injuries. Inferior positioning aids make efficient and precise work more difficult, carry a risk of infection and damage the reputation of the department.

P1010119 bearbeitet copyPearl Technology positioning aids ...

... lead to excellence in imaging

... enable examinations beyond the norm

... are perfectly adapted to their working environment

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Customers' Voice

What our Customers say

"Even in the most difficult situations: the positioning aids remain intact and enable versatile and precise imaging. In unsanitary conditions I no longer have to wrap my sponges and can even position high-risk patients without any hygiene concerns. Patient positioning is fun with these tools."

- Michael Bünte, X-Ray Advisor, Germany
Michael Bünte

Positioning aids for simple and precise workflows

Positioning Solutions for conventional x-ray

Pearltec Positioning solutions help you to position the patient in stably in exact planes and angles.


The ProFoam positioning aids are made of foam material and are welded into a durable polyurethane foil. They are available in the most common shapes and sizes and are suitable for a wide range of applications.

ProFoam Table Mat

Hygienic Table Mat with slideable or anti-slip bottom side.


The sandbags are sealed in a durable PU foil to ensure perfect hygiene.

Leg Rest

Professional and comfortable elevated positioning with leg support stand made of acrylic glass, for e.g. cross table lateral hip projection.

Get inspired!

Leading German Radiography Experts Agata Epler and Michael Bünte have used Pearl Technology equipment to document a collection of extraordinary applications.

Download the document for free!


  • Wrist: AP/PA and lateral 
  • Arm: Paediatric arm, upper arm (umerus), forearm lateral
  • Shoulder: AP in Supine (modified), axial
  • Foot/Ankle:Ankle AP & lateral, calcaneus​, foot AP and oblique​, foot lateral​, forefoot AP (modified)​, big toe lateral
  • Knee lateral
  • Hip: Cross-table lateral hip view
  • Spine: Recumbent spine thoracic AP and lateral
  • Special scan: Lateral head / shunt series